Thank you for visiting Parkinson Diet. My name is Amy Neill and I am a Dietitian and Nutritionist. I created Parkinson Diet as a way to reach a wider audience and provide credible evidenced-based nutrition information to support people living with Parkinson’s. I hope you find Parkinson Diet a useful resource.
Category: Eat well
- Can diet help your Parkinson’s symptoms?
- Dietary antioxidants and progression of Parkinsonism
- Decreased appetite and Parkinson’s
- Healthy diet patterns and symptoms preceding Parkinson’s
Category: Diet types
- Can the Mediterranean diet help Parkinson’s?
- Can the MIND diet help Parkinson’s?
- 5 foods to limit if you have Parkinson’s
- 10 foods to eat if you have Parkinson’s
- A berry good idea for Parkinson’s
- Can the ketogenic diet help Parkinson’s?
- How to get enough fibre on the keto diet
Category: Gut health
- Gut health, Parkinson’s and eating legumes
- 7 diet tips for Parkinson’s & gastroparesis
- Diet tips for Parkinson’s & constipation
Category: Levodopa
Category: Dysphagia
Category: Living well
- Eating with Parkinson’s made easier
- Boardgames and berries
- Can practising Tai Chi help people with Parkinson’s?
- Dancing, mental health & Parkinson’s